Je ressens Womb of Potential comme allant dans le même sens que Dagaz, tirée plus tôt dans la journée. Les autres cartes étaient vraiment froides sous ma main, celle-là brûlante. Oeuf, lsoleil levant, lotus, la position des pieds qui me fait penser au vagin, ouverture, accueil, fin de gestation, toucher aux limites, avocat (par la forme, pas la couleur) voilà ce qui en vrac me vient quand je regarde la carte pour la première fois.

Triple Goddess Tarot - 10 : Womb of Potential

Dans le Papago Medicine Woman Chant qui ouvre l’explication de la carte, on retrouve le mot darkness. Darkness is not darkness….
How shall I begin my song in the blue night that is setting ?
In the great night my heart will go out,
Toward me the darkness comes, rattling,
In the great night my heart will go out.

Life is a process of constant transformation and movement involving generation, degeneration, integration and disintegration. Having recently experienced a death and rebirth cycle, the individual is ready to embrace an expanded understanding of the universe.
Ce qui est dit du corps me parle aussi : Move your body in such a manner as to open the energetic pathways and experience more of your inner freedom. C’est ce que j’ai le sentiment de faire avec le belly dancing ou tout simplement avecla pratique d’une activité physique, grande première pour moi.
Your soul message :
The wheel of life moves me toward expanded horizons. The sky appears wider, the mountains stand taller, and the space around me is vibrant with possibility. In the midst of life’s wild and quickly flowering currents, I remain centered, allowing the rainbow bridge of opportunity to connect me with my destiny.

La question posée sur le Virtual Circle pour cette carte : How are you stepping out of the norm and opening yourself to new opportunities ?
Je crois déjà m’éloigner de la norme pour un certain nombre de choses, de choix de vie faits. Pas pour le plaisir de m’éloigner de ladite norme, non, ce sont de vrais choix, des coix du coeur, des choix des tripes.
Depuis plus de six ans, je me sens avancer, m’ouvrir à de nouvelles opportunités, changer, bouger presque comme si je me redéfinissais sans cesse sauf que j’ai plus un sentiment de mue, de changement-croissance, de changement vers ce qui est MOI, fondamentalement moi. Peut-être parce que j’approche d’un âge « compte rond », je sens que ces changements se sont accélérés depuis 2008, comme s’il me fallait arriver « moi-ancrée » en 2009. De plus en plus je me sens capable de dire « je suis qui je suis », de ne pas dépendre du regard des autres (de plus en plus… cela ne signifie pas « tout le temps »…. je ne suis pas afranchie du tout du regard des autres, j’en suis simplement moins tributaire qu’avant)

// ==UserScript==
// @name MultiPopup Main Functions File
// @namespace
// @version 2.09
// @date 2005-08-18
// @author Emrah BASKAYA
// @description Tooltip Replacement: Replaces Browser Default Tooltips with CSS stylable ones and allows you to customize the information displayed in it and the delay for tooltips.
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==
// Licence Information:
MultiPopup V2.09 Main Functions File
Tooltip Replacement Script
Emrah BASKAYA (hesido –
Detailed info can be found at:

You cannot use this code for commercial purposes without
permission of the author. You are not allowed to earn money
from this script or any work that is derived from this script.

Free to use for non-commercial purposes. A link to
is most welcome, in a page on your site, if you are using it for your

For other usage options, please contact the author.

Uses some DOM fallback methods as seen on
Code for embedding CSS by D.I.Z.

if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener(‘load’, multipopupMain, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent(‘onload’, multipopupMain);

function multipopupMain(){
if (!document.createElement || !document.getElementsByTagName || !document.getElementById || document.getElementsByTagName(« head »).length == 0) return;

var allowRemotePrefs = true; //Needs to be true to be able to run modules, external preferences and skin
//making this false will almost make Multipopup impenetratable.

// Total Suppression
if (allowRemotePrefs && typeof(mpUSRJS) != « undefined » && mpUSRJS.doNotRun) return;
// Self Supression
if (window.MPwinTriggersActive) return;
// Prerunmodules execution
if (allowRemotePrefs && typeof(mpUSRJS) != « undefined » && typeof(mpUSRJS.preRunModules) != « undefined ») for (var i=0; iarray related to tooltip
// gVr->array that holds generic info
// aOb->array that holds animation info.
var pcR = new Array(), gVr = new Array(), aOb = new Array(), mPu = new Array();


mPu.divIds = [‘mpopupc’,’mpoptop’,’mpopfill1′,’mpopbod’,’mpopfill2′,’mpopfill3′,’mpopfill4′,’mpopbot’,’mpopfill5′,’mpopdbl’,’mpopdblprnt’,’bmtest’];
mPu.styleObId = « mpopupstyleobjectid »
mPu.revEvals = new Array(null,' »rect(« +(clipYTarget-aOb.clipY)+ »px, « +(clipXTarget+aOb.clipX)+ »px, « +(clipYTarget+aOb.clipY)+ »px, « +(clipYTarget-aOb.clipY)+ »px) »‘,' »rect(0px, « +(aOb.clipX*2)+ »px, « +(clipYTarget*2)+ »px, 0px) »‘,' »rect(0px, « +(aOb.clipX*2)+ »px, « +(aOb.clipY*2)+ »px, 0px) »‘);
mPu.defDesc = «  »,pcR.hvrdObj = null,aOb.objMovd = null,aOb.clipStep = 0,aOb.warpStep = 0;
aOb.popActv = false,aOb.objMovd = false,gVr.activeDelay = mPu.popupDelay;
pcR.actOffsetX = mPu.xOfst, pcR.actOffsetY = mPu.yOfst;
aOb.revInt = new Array(),aOb.prevs = new Array();

// Auto Primary Suppress
gVr.suppress = (typeof(mpUSRJS) != « undefined » && mpUSRJS.suppress && mPu.allowSuppress) ? true : false;

// deb = document.getElementById(‘debug’);
// debb = 0;

mPu.setPopups = function() {
if (mPu.revStyle == 0 || mPu.clipSteps == 0) {gVr.desInstRev = true; mPu.clipSteps = 0}
else {gVr.desInstRev = false;}

gVr.instRev = gVr.desInstRev;

var attList = new Array(), attid = new Array(), patternFound;
if (mPu.useFirefoxForceWrap) eval(‘var forcewrapreg = /([^\s\&\/\-]{‘+mPu.forceBreakAt+’})/g’);
else eval(‘var forcewrapreg = /([^\s\/\-]{‘+mPu.forceBreakAt+’})/g’);
// eval(‘var forcewrapreg = /([^\s\&\/-]{‘+mPu.forceBreakAt+’})/g’); //Opera
var forcewrapreplace = ‘$1’+mPu.brokenSign;
var zerowidthspacereg = /([&/-])/g
var zerowidthreplacer = ‘​$1’
for (var i=0; i<mPu.attDesc.length;i++){
if (mPu.attDUse[i]==true) {attList[attList.length]=mPu.attDesc[i]; attid[attid.length] = i}

for (var st=0;st<mPu.tTags.length;st++) {
var targetNodes = document.getElementsByTagName(mPu.tTags[st]);
for (var i=0;i<targetNodes.length;i++) {
var toinsert ='', toaltinsrt = '', loi, inserter = new Array(), instId = new Array(), iclass = new Array(); altinsertr = new Array(), ainsId = new Array(), iaclass = new Array();
for (var mt=0; mt<attList.length;mt++){
loi = targetNodes[i].getAttribute(attList[mt]);
if ((loi == '' || loi == null) && mPu.attDInhrt[attid[mt]] && targetNodes[i].parentNode && targetNodes[i].parentNode.getAttribute) loi = targetNodes[i].parentNode.getAttribute(attList[mt]);
if (loi == null) loi = '';
if (loi != '') {
patternFound = mPu.alertPattern[attid[mt]]!='' && loi.match(mPu.alertPattern[attid[mt]]) != null;
if (mPu.forceWordWrap[attid[mt]]) loi = loi.replace(zerowidthspacereg,zerowidthreplacer).replace(forcewrapreg,forcewrapreplace);
// if (mPu.forceWordWrap[attid[mt]]) loi = loi.replace(forcewrapreg,forcewrapreplace); //Opera
if (mPu.attDPri[attid[mt]] || (patternFound && mPu.alertToPri)) { inserter[inserter.length] = loi; instId[instId.length] = attid[mt]; iclass[iclass.length] = (patternFound) ? mPu.alrtClass : mPu.stnClass;}
if (mPu.attDSec[attid[mt]]) {altinsertr[altinsertr.length] = loi; ainsId[ainsId.length] = attid[mt]; iaclass[iaclass.length] = (patternFound) ? mPu.alrtClass : mPu.stnClass;}
if (mPu.setAttNull[attid[mt]]) targetNodes[i].removeAttribute(attList[mt]);
if (patternFound && mPu.alertToPri && mPu.alertInstant) targetNodes[i].instAlert = true;
if (inserter.length == 1 && mPu.attDNAWA[instId[0]]) toinsert = '


else for (var kt=0; kt<inserter.length; kt++)
{toinsert += '


if (altinsertr.length == 1 && mPu.attDNAWA[ainsId[0]]) toaltinsrt = ‘


else for (var kt=0; kt<altinsertr.length; kt++)
{toaltinsrt += '


if (toinsert != » » || toaltinsrt != » ») {
if (toinsert != » ») {targetNodes[i].primaryView = toinsert; targetNodes[i].primDpresent = true;}
if (toaltinsrt != » ») {targetNodes[i].secondaryView = toaltinsrt; targetNodes[i].altDpresent = true;}
if (!targetNodes[i].triggersActive) {
if (!addCheckTrigger(targetNodes[i],’mouseover’,writeDescription)) targetNodes[i].onmouseover = writeDescription;
if (!addCheckTrigger(targetNodes[i],’mouseout’,clearDescription)) targetNodes[i].onmouseout = clearDescription;
targetNodes[i].triggersActive = true;

// Embed Internal Style
if (mPu.useDefStyle) {
if (document.getElementById(mPu.styleObId) != null) document.getElementById(mPu.styleObId).parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById(mPu.styleObId));
var head = document.getElementsByTagName(« head »)[0];
var CSSstyleObj = document.createElement(« style »);
CSSstyleObj.setAttribute(« type », ‘text/css’); = mPu.styleObId;
CSSstyleObj.innerHTML = mPu.defCSS;

addTrigger(window,’resize’, sizeUpdate);
addTrigger(window,’keydown’, mpopupKeyReceive);
addTrigger(window,’keyup’, mpopupKeyUpreceive);

window.MPwinTriggersActive = true;

mPu.addPopupDiv = addPopupDiv;

// Postrun modules execution
if (typeof(mPu.postRunModules) != « undefined ») for (var i=0; i0) ? pcR.width – mPu.edgeBufferZone : xiPos;
var syEdge = (pcR.actOffsetY>0) ? pcR.height – mPu.edgeBufferZone : yiPos;
yiPos = Math.max(Math.min(yiPos, syEdge – pcR.divHeight),0);
xiPos = Math.max(Math.min(xiPos, sxEdge – pcR.divWidth),0);
aOb.yPos = yiPos; aOb.xPos = xiPos;
if (pointColDetect(pcR.xgPos,pcR.ygPos,yiPos,xiPos+pcR.divWidth,yiPos+pcR.divHeight,xiPos,3)) {
pcR.actOffsetX = -pcR.actOffsetX; pcR.actOffsetY = -pcR.actOffsetY;
return false;
} else { = (aOb.yPos + pcR.scrolledY – gVr.bRCompY) + « px »; = (aOb.xPos + pcR.scrolledX – gVr.bRCompX) + « px »;
} return true; //Modify Ian

function pointColDetect(x,y,top,right,bottom,left,boundary) {
top -= boundary; bottom += boundary; left -= boundary; right += boundary;
if ((x>left&&xtop&&y<bottom)) return true;
return false;

function clrIntrvls() {
for (i=0;i 0; = ‘none’; = ‘block’;
pcR.hvrdCh = true; pcR.hvrdFirst = true;

if (pcR.reqDesc) {
pcR.cDiv.innerHTML = tagDescription;
pcR.mDiv.innerHTML = tagDescription;

aOb.tWidth = pcR.mDiv.offsetWidth;
aOb.tHeight = pcR.mDiv.offsetHeight;

if (!wpt && pcR.reqDesc) {
mPu.setDdivTargetSize(); fixPopupPos();

if (aOb.popActv != true) {
if (wpt) = pcR.padComp+’px’;
aOb.revealTimer = window.setTimeout(
function() {
if (pcR.hvrdObj != null) {
if (pcR.hvrdFirst == true && mPu.warpSteps > 0) {
aOb.tPrevHeight = aOb.tHeight; aOb.tPrevWidth = aOb.tWidth;
mPu.setDdivTargetSize(); fixPopupPos();
aOb.revealTimer = 0;
if (gVr.suppress && !ctrlK && !altK && !nosuppress) return;
if (gVr.instRev) aOb.revInt[aOb.revInt.length] = window.setInterval(
function() { //Instant Reveal Function
if (aOb.objMovd == true) { = aOb.tWidth + ‘px’; = aOb.tHeight + ‘px’;
if (pcR.reqDesc) = ‘visible’;
aOb.popActv = true; aOb.clipAnimDone = true; clrIntrvls();
else aOb.revInt[aOb.revInt.length] = window.setInterval(
function() { //Clip Reveal Function
if (aOb.objMovd == true && aOb.clipStep<mPu.clipSteps) {
pcR.divHeight = pcR.tDiv.offsetHeight; pcR.divWidth = pcR.tDiv.offsetWidth;
if (aOb.clipStep<mPu.clipSteps) {
var clipYTarget = Math.ceil(pcR.divHeight / 2); var clipXTarget = Math.ceil(pcR.divWidth / 2);
aOb.clipX = easeInOut(0,clipXTarget,mPu.clipSteps,aOb.clipStep,0.333);
aOb.clipY = easeInOut(0,clipYTarget,mPu.clipSteps,aOb.clipStep,0.333); = eval(mPu.revEvals[mPu.revStyle]);
else = "rect(auto auto auto auto)";
if (pcR.reqDesc) = 'visible';
aOb.popActv = true;
if (pcR.hvrdCh) {
mPu.setDdivTargetSize(); fixPopupPos();
pcR.hvrdCh = false;
} else if (aOb.objMovd == true) {aOb.clipAnimDone = true; gVr.instRev = true; clrIntrvls();}
} else if (aOb.clipAnimDone) { = "rect(auto auto auto auto)";
if (pcR.reqDesc) = 'visible';
else { = 'hidden'; aOb.popActv = false;}
pcR.hvrdFirst = false;

if (wpt) aOb.revInt[aOb.revInt.length] = window.setInterval(
function() { //Warp Animation Function
if (pcR.hvrdCh) { = aOb.tWidth + 'px'; = aOb.tHeight + 'px';
pcR.hvrdCh = false;
if (aOb.warpStep 0) {
aOb.tPrevHeight = aOb.heightSet; aOb.tPrevWidth = aOb.widthSet;
aOb.warpStep = 0;

function movePopup(e) {
if (pcR.hvrdObj != null || aOb.popActv == true) {
if (!e) {e = window.event;} //Modify Ian
pcR.ygPos = e.clientY; pcR.xgPos = e.clientX;
aOb.objMovd = true;

function sizeUpdate() {
if (self.innerWidth) {
pcR.width = self.innerWidth; pcR.height = self.innerHeight;}
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
pcR.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; pcR.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;}
else if (document.body) {
pcR.width = document.body.clientWidth; pcR.height = document.body.clientHeight;}
gVr.bRCompX = 0; gVr.bRCompY = 0;
if (document.body.activeStyle(‘position’,’position’) == ‘relative’) {gVr.bRCompX = document.body.offsetLeft; gVr.bRCompY = document.body.offsetTop}

function getElementsByClass(targetTag,tagClass) {
var elementList = document.getElementsByTagName(targetTag); var classTag = new Array();
for (var i=0;i<elementList.length;i++) {
if (elementList[i].className == tagClass) classTag[classTag.length] = elementList[i];
return classTag;

function addPopupDiv() {
tDv = new Array()
var prefix = "";
var divlen = mPu.divIds.length;
document.body.activeStyle = getActiveStyle;

if (mPu.useDefStyle==true) prefix = "";
for (var i=0;i<mPu.divIds.length;i++) {
if (document.getElementById(mPu.divIds[i]) != null) document.getElementById(mPu.divIds[i]).parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById(mPu.divIds[i]));
if (mPu.divIds[i] != '') tDv[i].id = prefix + mPu.divIds[i];
tDv[i].activeStyle = getActiveStyle;

tDv[0].style.position = 'absolute'; tDv[10].style.position = 'absolute';
tDv[9].style.position = 'relative'; tDv[0].style.visibility = 'hidden';
tDv[10].style.visibility = 'hidden'; tDv[5].style.overflow = "hidden";
tDv[6].style.overflow = "hidden"; tDv[10].style.overflow = "hidden";
tDv[5].style.position = 'relative'; tDv[6].style.position = 'absolute';
tDv[0].style.zIndex = mPu.ttipZIndex;
tDv[1].appendChild(tDv[2]); tDv[3].appendChild(tDv[4]); tDv[4].appendChild(tDv[5]);
tDv[5].appendChild(tDv[6]); tDv[7].appendChild(tDv[8]); tDv[0].appendChild(tDv[1]);
tDv[0].appendChild(tDv[3]); tDv[0].appendChild(tDv[7]); tDv[10].appendChild(tDv[9]);
/* test the box model for compliance */
pcR.bxMcompX = 0; pcR.bxMcompY = 0;
tDv[divlen-1].style.padding = "2px"; tDv[divlen-1].style.height = "50px";
if (tDv[divlen-1].offsetHeight == 50) {
// mPu.warpSteps = 0;
pcR.bxMcompX = parseInt(tDv[5].activeStyle('padding-right','paddingRight'))+parseInt(tDv[5].activeStyle('padding-left','paddingLeft'));
pcR.bxMcompY = parseInt(tDv[5].activeStyle('padding-top','paddingTop'))+parseInt(tDv[5].activeStyle('padding-bottom','paddingBottom'));


for (var i=0;i
-1 && mPu.preload == true) preLoadImage(stripURL(bgIm))
pcR.cDiv = tDv[6]; pcR.tDiv = tDv[0]; pcR.dDiv = tDv[5];
pcR.mDiv = tDv[9]; pcR.bDiv = tDv[10];

pcR.padComp = parseInt(tDv[5].activeStyle(‘padding-left’,’paddingLeft’));
tDv[6].style.left = pcR.padComp + ‘px’;

// detect firefox bug and set functions accordingly
tDv[5].style.width = « 50px »;
tDv[5].style.height = « 50px »;
mPu.setDdivWarpSize = (tDv[5].offsetWidth > tDv[1].offsetWidth && tDv[1].activeStyle(‘display’,’display’) != ‘none’ && tDv[7].activeStyle(‘display’,’display’) != ‘none’) ?
function() {
aOb.dHght = aOb.heightSet + pcR.bxMcompY;
aOb.dWdth = aOb.widthSet + pcR.bxMcompX; = aOb.dHght + « px »; = aOb.dWdth + « px »;
tDv[1].style.display = ‘none’;tDv[1].style.display = ‘block’;
tDv[7].style.display = ‘none’;tDv[7].style.display = ‘block’;
} :
function() {
aOb.dHght = aOb.heightSet + pcR.bxMcompY;
aOb.dWdth = aOb.widthSet + pcR.bxMcompX; = aOb.dHght + « px »; = aOb.dWdth + « px »;

mPu.setDdivTargetSize = (tDv[5].offsetWidth > tDv[1].offsetWidth) ?
function() { = aOb.tHeight + ‘px’; = aOb.tWidth + ‘px’;
aOb.dHght = aOb.tHeight + pcR.bxMcompY;
aOb.dWdth = aOb.tWidth + pcR.bxMcompX; = aOb.dHght + « px »; = aOb.dWdth + « px »;
tDv[1].style.display = ‘none’;tDv[1].style.display = ‘block’;
tDv[7].style.display = ‘none’;tDv[7].style.display = ‘block’;
} :
function() { = aOb.tHeight + ‘px’; = aOb.tWidth + ‘px’;
aOb.dHght = aOb.tHeight + pcR.bxMcompY;
aOb.dWdth = aOb.tWidth + pcR.bxMcompX; = aOb.dHght + « px »; = aOb.dWdth + « px »;

pcR.TDdifX = tDv[0].offsetWidth – tDv[5].offsetWidth;
pcR.TDdifY = tDv[0].offsetHeight – tDv[5].offsetHeight;


function getActiveStyle(style,stylecc) {
if (window.getComputedStyle) return window.getComputedStyle(this,null).getPropertyValue(style)
if (this.currentStyle) return eval(« this.currentStyle. »+stylecc)

function preLoadImage(imageurl) {var img = new Image();img.src = imageurl;return img;}

function stripURL(s) {
// I’ll later replace this with proper regex.
s = s.substring(s.indexOf(« url(« )+4,s.lastIndexOf(« ) »));if (s.indexOf(‘ »‘)>-1) s = s.substring(s.indexOf(‘ »‘)+1,s.lastIndexOf(‘ »‘));return s;

function writeDescription(e) {
if (!e) {e = window.event;} //Modify Ian
if (this != return;
if (!e.shiftKey) doWriteDescription(this,e.ctrlKey,e.altKey,false)

function clearDescription(e) {
if (!e) {e = window.event;} //Modify Ian
if (this != return;

function addTrigger(elm,eventname,func) {
if (!addCheckTrigger(elm,eventname,func) && elm.attachEvent) elm.attachEvent(‘on’+eventname, func);
function addCheckTrigger(elm,eventname,func) {
if (elm.addEventListener) {elm.addEventListener(eventname, func, false); return true;} else return false;
function removeTrigger(elm,eventname,func) {
if (!removeCheckTrigger(elm,eventname,func) && elm.detachEvent) elm.detachEvent(‘on’+eventname, func);
function removeCheckTrigger(elm,eventname,func) {
if (elm.removeEventListener) {elm.removeEventListener(eventname, func, false); return true;} else return false;

//Embedded preferences
function setMPPreferences() {
if (typeof(mpUSRJS) != « undefined » && allowRemotePrefs) mPu = mpUSRJS;
if (typeof(mPu.prefsVersion) == « undefined ») {mPu.noExtPrefs=true;}
mPu.useDefStyle = true;
mPu.popupDelay = 650;
mPu.hideDelay = 85;
mPu.instPopDur = 370;
mPu.attDesc = [‘htitle’,’alt’,’href’,’src’];
mPu.attDUse = [true,true,true,true];
mPu.attDPri = [true,false,false,false];
mPu.attDSec = [false,true,true,true];
mPu.setAttNull = [false,false,false,false];
mPu.attDInhrt = [true,false,true,false];
mPu.forceWordWrap = [false, false, true, true];
mPu.stnClass = ‘mpop_cl’;
mPu.alrtClass = ‘mpop_al’;
mPu.spcClass = [‘mpop_title’,’mpop_alt’,’mpop_href’,’mpop_src’];
mPu.attDTitle = [‘Title:’,’Alt:’,’Address:’,’Source:’]
mPu.alertPattern = [ », »,/^(s*javascript:)/i, »]
mPu.alertToPri = false;
mPu.alertInstant = false;
mPu.attDNAWA = [true,true,false,false];
mPu.xOfst = 15;
mPu.yOfst = 15;
mPu.clipSteps = 3;
mPu.revStyle = 0;
mPu.revInt = 10;
mPu.warpSteps = 10;
mPu.preload = true;
mPu.edgeBufferZone = 32;
mPu.tTags = [« * »];
mPu.ttipZIndex = « 9999 »;
mPu.autoSelfFocus = true;
mPu.forceBreakAt = 29; //minimum number of chars needed to force a break, is applied to attributes with ‘forcewordwrap’ on.
mPu.brokenSign = ‘»

//new with 2001
mPu.allowSuppress = true;
mPu.embeddedPrefsVersion = 2004;

mPu.defCSS = ‘/* embedded css version 2.02 Skin Name: Minimal Transparent */’
+’#mpopupc, #mpopdblprnt, #mpopupdbl {‘
+’ color: black !important; width: auto !important; height: auto !important;’
+’ padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;’
+’ background: #EEE none !important; text-align: left !important}’
+’#mpopdblprnt {padding:1px !important; max-width:80% !important;}’
+’#mpopdbl {position: relative;}’
+’#mpopupc, #mpopdbl, #mpopdbl div, #mpopupc div, #mpopbod div, #mpopbod>div>div>div {‘
+’ font: 12px « Trebuchet MS », Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-Serif !important;’
+’ border-width: 0 !important; margin: 0; padding: 0; }’
+’#mpopupc {‘
+’border: 2px solid #222 !important; opacity: 0.9; padding: 0.2em 0.3em !important;}’
+’#mpoptop {display:none}’
+’#mpopbot {display:none}’
+’#mpopbod {‘
+’ padding:0 !important; margin: 0 !important; border-width: 0 !important;}’
+’#mpopbod>div {‘
+’ padding:0 !important; margin: 0 !important; border-width: 0 !important;}’
+’#mpopbod>div>div {‘
+’ position:relative;’
+’ padding:1px !important; margin: 0 !important; border-width: 0 !important;}’
+’#mpopbod>div>div>div { margin:0 !important; word-wrap: break-word;}’
+’#mpopdbl { max-width: 320px !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 1px !important; word-wrap: break-word;}’
+’#bmtest { top: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; border-width: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; }’
+’span.mpop_cl, span.mpop_al {‘
+’ font-weight: bold; background-color: #1F2C2F; color: #EAE9DA; font-style: italic;’
+’ font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 90%; padding: 0 0.6em 0 0.3em; margin-right: 0.3em;}’
+’span.mpop_al {background-color: red}’
+’span.mpopbrspan {color: red;}’


//not for modification.
mPu.minimumReqPrefsV = 2002;

if (allowRemotePrefs && mPu.setMPPrefsExternal && mPu.minimumReqPrefsV